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第48行: 第48行:
Deja Vu is one of the main factors for Reading Steiner as it was stated in the anime that the Deja Vu and reading Steiner are highly related.
Deja Vu is one of the main factors for Reading Steiner as it was stated in the anime that the Deja Vu and reading Steiner are highly related.
World lines can be switched by altering the past, for example through the use of D-mails.
World lines can be switched by altering the past, for example through the use of D-mails.
While no other members of the cast have this immediate knowledge of a switch having occurred or any recollection of what happened in another World Line, they seem to regain fragments of these memories occasionally.
While no other members of the cast have this immediate knowledge of a switch having occurred or any recollection of what happened in another World Line, they seem to regain fragments of these memories occasionally.
Faris remembers sending the D-Mail that prevented her father's death after escaping the Viral Attackers with Okabe in 0.409431α.
Faris remembers sending the D-Mail that prevented her father's death after escaping the Viral Attackers with Okabe in 0.409431α.
Lukako remembers her first meeting with Okabe as a male in 0.456914α.
Lukako remembers her first meeting with Okabe as a male in 0.456914α.
第61行: 第66行:
The ability plays a major role in the plot, most prominently in allowing Rintarou to undo the changes caused by the D-Mails and not losing track after each switch.
The ability plays a major role in the plot, most prominently in allowing Rintarou to undo the changes caused by the D-Mails and not losing track after each switch.
In the anime, there is a visual distortion every time a Reading is activated, usually following the sending of a D-mail.
In the anime, there is a visual distortion every time a Reading is activated, usually following the sending of a D-mail.
The movie Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryouiki no Deja Vu features the Reading Steiner as an important plot element, as Kurisu and Mayuri use recollection of the pre-Steins Gate world lines to piece together information about Rintarou.
The movie Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryouiki no Deja Vu features the Reading Steiner as an important plot element, as Kurisu and Mayuri use recollection of the pre-Steins Gate world lines to piece together information about Rintarou.
The movie Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryouiki no Deja Vu confirms that the Deja vu is a part of the Reading Steiner ability
The movie Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryouiki no Deja Vu confirms that the Deja vu is a part of the Reading Steiner ability

2020年7月7日 (二) 21:29的版本

Reading Steiner,全称命运探知之魔眼(運命探知の魔眼),特指冈部伦太郎在世界线变化时保留世界线变化前的(从自己视角看到的)事件的记忆。

0官中设定集: Reading Steiner 能够观测、察觉到世界线的“变动”的能力 "Reading Steiner(命运探知)”是冈部伦太郎所拥有的 能力,发动之后,冈部仍能在世界线变动后保留记忆 但是只能保留世界线变动前的记忆,没有”重新构筑” 之后的世界线的记忆。由于保留了变动前的记忆,使 得本应是改变后的记忆不复存在,与周围产生的 差异 会令他陷人仿佛“丧失记忆”的状态,此外,如 果不 断重复经历某- -段时间, 会渐渐地削弱冈部的精神。 另外,将这个能够观察世界线变的能 力称为 "Reading Steiner”的正是冈部本人。









甚至人脑也如电脑一样,在直接删除时,原先的资料其实还存在于大脑无法读取到的地方,人可通过外界的刺激,“复原” 一些这样的记忆




  • 带有RS能力的人在该次世界线变化中会将普京的身份记忆为上一条世界线中的俄罗斯总统,而不是该世界线中的苏维埃总书记。

In 1.382733β, this ability is referred to as President's Disease, as those with this ability remember Puchin as the President of Russia instead of General Secretary of the Soviet Union.

如动画所述,既视感是RS的主要组成因素之一,两者有着强烈的联系。 Deja Vu is one of the main factors for Reading Steiner as it was stated in the anime that the Deja Vu and reading Steiner are highly related.

改变过去,如使用D-mails,可以使世界线发生变动。 World lines can be switched by altering the past, for example through the use of D-mails.

虽然在命运石之门本篇中主角团的其他人没有类似的RS其他世界线上事件的能力,他们依旧能在部分场合下回想起其他世界线上记忆的碎片,就像菲利斯剧情中所展现:在其他世界线上,菲利斯依旧能回想起自己父亲死亡后世界线的记忆。 While no other members of the cast have this immediate knowledge of a switch having occurred or any recollection of what happened in another World Line, they seem to regain fragments of these memories occasionally.



0.571046α线,真由理在祭拜,记得以“噩梦”形式展现出的自己在其他世界线上的死亡 Faris remembers sending the D-Mail that prevented her father's death after escaping the Viral Attackers with Okabe in 0.409431α. Lukako remembers her first meeting with Okabe as a male in 0.456914α. Mayuri, visiting her grandmother's grave in 0.571046α, remembers "Nightmares" in which she dies in a multitude of ways. Katsumi Nakase gains this ability during November 2010 in 1.129848β. Yuki pretends to have Reading Steiner to help her hide it in 1.382733β. Kurisu remembers some of her Alpha worldline memories in the Steins Gate worldline. The ability plays a major role in the plot, most prominently in allowing Rintarou to undo the changes caused by the D-Mails and not losing track after each switch.

在动画中, In the anime, there is a visual distortion every time a Reading is activated, usually following the sending of a D-mail.

The movie Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryouiki no Deja Vu features the Reading Steiner as an important plot element, as Kurisu and Mayuri use recollection of the pre-Steins Gate world lines to piece together information about Rintarou. The movie Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryouiki no Deja Vu confirms that the Deja vu is a part of the Reading Steiner ability