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2022年5月31日 (二) 00:02的最新版本
























20 年1月:铃羽用枪指着钢轮,被警察控诉。










01. 1.130205%

When Okabe time travels with Suzuha to the 28th of July for the first time, he has Mayuri hold on to his cellphone for him. Just as the time machine is disappearing, a second one appears beside it, stunning Mayuri and Daru. Even stranger, Okabe's phone begins to ring with a call from Mayuri's phone even though she isn't using hers. When Mayuri answers the phone, a female voice begs Mayuri to stay calm and listen to her story. 当 冈部第一次和 铃羽 一起旅行到7月28日的时候,他让 真由理 帮他拿着手机。 就在时间机器正在消失的时候,另一台时间机器出现在了它旁边,令真由理和桶子惊叹不已。

更奇怪的是,冈部的电话开始响起来自真由理的电话,尽管她并没有使用自己的电话。 当真由理接电话时,一个女声恳求真由理冷静下来,听她讲故事。

02. 1.129848%

The voice tells how "Okarin" traveled back in time with Amane Suzuha on August 21st to July 28th to save a person named "Makise Kurisu". Someone who it seemed Okarin was in love with. However, upon Okarin's return, he was covered in blood, shaken and severely suffering to the point of breaking. Seeing Okarin in pain like this and hearing that the time travel had caused Okarin to become Makise Kurisu's murderer, Mayuri protects Okarin from Suzuha trying to force Okarin to try again. Even upon being told abstractly of Okarin's power to observe worlds, she defends him, unable to accept putting the fate of the world all solely on Okarin's shoulders when he is like this. Suzuha takes a step back, but declares that she will not return to the future. She will remain here to try again. However, due to a lack of fuel, even when making a one-way trip, in less than a year from now they would no longer be able to reach July 28th, 2010. Mayuri continues to call Okarin's name, trying to pull him back from his grief just like he did for her when her grandmother died.

这个声音告诉我们“冈部”是如何在8月21日到7月28日和 Amane Suzuha 一起穿越回去拯救一个名叫“ Makise Kurisu”的人的。 冈部似乎爱上了某个人。 然而,当冈部回来的时候,他浑身是血,浑身颤抖,痛苦到了崩溃的边缘。 看到冈部如此痛苦,听说时间旅行使冈部成为杀害 Makise Kurisu 的凶手。 Suzuha 想要试图迫使冈部再次尝试,被真由理阻止了。即使被抽象地告知冈部具有观察世界的能力,她仍然为他辩护,无法接受冈部就算已经这样的状态了也要去肩负世界的命运。 Suzuha 后退了一步,但宣称她不会回到未来。 她将留在这里再试一次。 然而,由于缺乏燃料,即使是单程旅行,在不到一年的时间里,他们将不再能够到达2010年7月28日。 真由理继续呼唤冈部的名字,试图把他从悲伤中拉回来,就像他在她祖母去世时为她做的那样。

03. 1.129848%

After that, things grew darker for Mayuri. The following year, July 7th, 2011, it is a rainy day on Tanabata. Mayuri and Luka meet while leaving school. They discuss Mayuri's love for Tanabata and the legend of Hikoboshi(Altair) and Orihime(Vega/Arc-light of the Sky). Mayuri reveals that every year her impossible wish for Tanabata was "to become Orihime." Luka hopes that Mayuri will become Okabe's "Orihime". Mayuri denies, but Luka says that he has noticed that something happened to Okabe and that it is thanks to Mayuri this past year that Okabe has been able to stand again, which is why he believes she can become Okabe's "Orihime". Mayuri corrects Luka again. The one in Okabe's heart is not Mayuri but a person like the stars in the sky who can never be reached, because that person cannot shine anymore.

从那以后,对真由理来说,日子越来越不好过了。 第二年,2011年7月7日,是日本七夕节,这一天下起了雨。 真由理和硫华在放学时相遇。 他们讨论了真由理对七夕 的爱,以及 Hikoboshi (牛郎星)和织女(织女星 / 天空的弧光)的传说。 真由理透露,每年她对 七夕不可能实现的愿望就是“成为织女”

硫华希望真由理能成为冈部的“织女”。 真由理否认了这一说法,但硫华说,他注意到冈部发生了什么事情,并且多亏了去年的真由理,冈部才得以重新站起来,这就是为什么他相信冈部会成为“织女”的原因。 真由理再次纠正了硫华。 在冈部心里的那个人不是 真由理,而是一个像天上的星星一样永远无法到达的人,因为那个人再也不能发光了。

04. 1.129848%

While it is still raining, Mayuri waits for Okabe at the Tokyo Electronics University. The narrating voice tells that in the past year it has become very hard for her to visit the lab anymore, so she would meet up with Okarin after his university classes, instead. From the two's conversation it is clear that Okabe has buried his personality as Hououin Kyouma, become active in university life, hardly goes to the lab, and is pushing himself to forget and let go. When Mayuri asks him if he is pushing himself, he replies that "playtime" is over. However, Mayuri tells him that she feels somehow like the lab used to be much more lively with many people and now has become lonely. She asks him if this is related to Makise Kurisu, but he is vehement as he painfully replies that they cannot be related. He flees by deciding to go to a drinking party he was just invited to. Mayuri seeing straight through his lies is saddened.

天还在下雨的时候,真由理在东京电子大学等着 Okabe。 这个旁白的声音告诉我们,在过去的一年里,她已经很难再去实验室了,所以她会在冈部的大学放学结束后去见他。 从两人的谈话中可以清楚地看出,冈部已经隐藏了他作为 Hououin Kyouma 的个性,在大学生活中变得活跃起来,几乎不去实验室,并且强迫自己忘记和放手。 当真由理问他是否在强迫自己时,他回答说“游戏时间”已经结束了。

然而,真由理告诉他,不知为什么,她觉得实验室过去对很多人来说应该是更加活跃的,现在却变得孤独了。 她问他这是否与 Makise Kurisu 有关,但他强烈地回答说,他们不可能有关系。 他决定去参加一个刚刚受邀参加的酒会,于是就逃走了。 真由理看穿了他的谎言,感到悲伤。

05. 1.129848%

At the lab, Daru arrives with one of Suzuha's favorite cakes as a farewell gift. Suzuha reflects that she wasn't able to convince Okabe after all, and wonders if she should threaten him at gunpoint like she did half a year ago. Daru discourages her from this, reminding her of the police getting involved then. Suzuha replies that she didn't think that a single gun would be such a big deal in this time period. It turns out Daru even bought enough cake for Mayuri and Okabe in the hopes that they will come to the lab. When Mayuri appears just then, she apologizes to Suzuha for not being able to convince Okabe to time travel with Suzuha, because Mayuri did not want to convince him to do so. However, Suzuha tells her not to mind it and that she was planning to travel alone. This brings Mayuri to ask Suzuha about the Mayuri and Okabe of 2036. Suzuha questions why Mayuri wishes to know about this only now. Mayuri tells her that she had not asked sooner because she was afraid of knowing the future. Even upon hearing that the future is cruel to Mayuri, Mayuri still chooses to know, so Suzuha tells her that the Mayuri she knew was always staring lonely at the sky. When Mayuri asks if Okabe really died in 2025, Suzuha tells her that he died protecting Mayuri from gunshot in a burglary during the war. This horrifies Mayuri, as Suzuha continues to reflect that though Okabe holds the fate of billions of people on his shoulders now, he is easily killed in fourteen years. She says that Mayuri seemed to feel painfully responsible for that. Mayuri used to say, "On that day, if my 'Hikoboshi-sama' had risen again, everything might have changed."—With that, it is time for Suzuha to go. Mayuri asks her if she really will go. What will happen to Suzuha if she fails? Will she relive this past year? However, Suzuha doesn't know. Herself of this past year and herself that will travel now and be stuck in the past will be different people. She predicts that eventually world line convergence would correct a "distortion" like her. Mayuri panics to stop her and turns to Daru, but he simply encourages Suzuha. With an "Okey Dokey," Suzuha departs the lab. -- Mayuri does not understand how Daru can be so calm. However, he tells her that he will not stop Suzuha. For the past year, he had wanted to know why his future self had sent Suzuha back in time, even though it is dangerous and they would never meet again. However, when he once asked Suzuha, her reply was that it was "Father's kindness". Living in the nightmare of 2036, her life was already on the line. She had lost many loved ones and she had killed many people loved by others. In comparison, being here in this time was bliss. Being able to live in this peaceful time of her mother and father was so wonderful that her feelings of wanting to change the future only grew stronger. Her resolve to complete her mission was for the sake of letting this happiness continue on into the future. She then thanked Daru for the past year. Reflecting on this, Daru tells Mayuri that seeing Suzuha smiling at that moment, he could no longer to stop her. Instead, he has prepared himself to send her off, doing whatever he can for her. When Mayuri asks, "Whatever he can for her?", he tells Mayuri that in 2036 he will complete the world's first time machine. Mayuri faces a turning point as she wonders what she should do and what should she have done. Hearing she wishes to do something, Daru encourages her that she has already helped Okabe to stand again. However, Mayuri thinks of her future words, "On that day, if my 'Hikoboshi-sama' had risen again, everything might have changed." She asks Daru what he thinks that means. Daru tells her that she must have been referring to someone, though he does not know who she must have meant. However, right now what Mayuri can do is either "pursue risks" or "desire stability". If she chooses risks, it might be painful to both her and her "Hikoboshi-sama". Reflecting on the risks and failures up to this point, he asks Mayuri what she wants to do, telling her that no one will hold against her what she chooses. In her thoughts, Mayuri knows who her only "Hikoboshi-sama" is. The identities Okarin and Hououin Kyouma together make up her beloved "Okabe Rintarou", who helped her after she lost her grandmother. However, now Okarin has decided that "playtime is over". Since a year ago, something very important has been lost. It feels so lonely that she wants to cry. Mayuri realizes what she desires from the very bottom of her heart, and tells it to Daru. She wants to meet "Hououin Kyouma" again. Even if she cannot become "Orihime-sama", her "Hikoboshi-sama" will always be "Okabe Rintarou". Daru acknowledges that that is "Mayu-shi's choice". He encourages her that there is no need to hesitate and they head after Suzuha.

在实验室里,桶子带来了铃羽最喜欢的一种蛋糕作为告别礼物。 铃羽表示,她毕竟无法说服冈部,她想知道自己是否应该像半年前那样用枪威胁他。 桶子不鼓励她这么做,提醒她警察已经介入了。铃羽回答说,她认为在这个时期,一支枪不会是什么大事。

事实证明,桶子甚至为真由理 和冈部买了足够的蛋糕,希望他们能来到实验室。

当真由理出现的时候,她为没能说服冈部和铃羽一起时间旅行向铃羽道歉,因为真由理不想说服他这么做。 然而,铃羽告诉她不要介意,她打算一个人去旅行。 这使得真由理向铃羽问起2036年的真由理和冈部。 铃羽质疑为什么真由理现在才想知道这件事。 真由理告诉她,她没有早点问,因为她害怕知道未来。

即使听说未来对真由理是残酷的,真由理仍然选择知道,所以铃羽告诉她,她认识的真由理总是孤独地凝视着天空。 当真由理问冈部是否真的死于2025年,铃羽告诉她,他在战争期间为保护真由理免遭枪击而死于入室盗窃。 这让真由理感到恐惧,铃羽继续反思,虽然 Okabe 现在肩负着数十亿人的命运,但他在14年后很容易就被杀死了。 她说真由理似乎对此负有痛苦的责任。 真由理过去常说: “在那一天,如果我的‘ Hikoboshi-sama’牛郎星再次升起,一切可能都会改变。”


说到这里,铃羽是时候离开了。 真由理问她是否真的会去。 如果她失败了,铃羽会发生什么? 她会重温过去的一年吗? 然而,铃羽并不知道。 在过去的这一年里,她自己和那些将要旅行而又被困在过去的她们将会是不同的人。 她预测,最终世界线汇聚将纠正像她一样的“扭曲”。 真由理恐慌地阻止了她,转向桶子,但他只是鼓励铃羽。 随着一声“好的,好的” ,铃羽 离开了实验室。


真由理不明白桶子怎么能如此平静。 然而,他告诉她,他不会阻止铃羽。 在过去的一年里,他一直想知道为什么他未来的自己会把铃羽送回到过去,尽管这很危险,他们再也不会见面了。 然而,当他问起铃羽时,铃羽的回答却是“父亲的仁慈”。 生活在2036年的噩梦中,她的生活已经岌岌可危。 她失去了许多亲人,也杀害了许多别人爱的人。 相比之下,在这个时候在这里是幸福的。 能够生活在她父母的这个和平时期是如此美好,以至于她想要改变未来的感觉越来越强烈。 她决心完成她的使命,是为了让这种幸福持续到将来。 然后,她感谢了桶子在过去一年里所做的一切。

考虑到这一点,桶子告诉真由理,看到铃羽在那一刻微笑,他再也无法阻止她。 相反,他已经准备好为她送行,为她做他能做的一切。 当真由理问,“他能为她做什么? ” 他告诉真由理,他将在2036年完成世界上第一台时间机器。

真由理面临着一个转折点,她想知道她要做什么和她应该做什么。 听到她的想法,桶子鼓励她说,她已经帮助冈部重新站起来了。 然而,真由理想起她未来的话: “那一天,如果我的‘ Hikoboshi-sama’再次升起,一切可能都会改变。” 她问桶子他认为这是什么意思。 桶子告诉她,她一定指的是某个人,尽管他不知道她指的是谁。 然而,真由理现在能做的,要么是“追求风险” ,要么是“渴望稳定”。 如果她选择冒险,可能对她和她的“ Hikoboshi-sama”来说都是痛苦的。 考虑到到目前为止的风险和失败,他问真由理她想做什么,告诉她没有人会反对她的选择。

在她的思想中,真由理知道她唯一的“ Hikoboshi-sama”是谁。 冈部和 Hououin Kyouma 这两个身份组成了她心爱的“ Okabe Rintarou” ,在她失去祖母后,她得到了她的帮助。 然而,现在冈部已经决定“游戏时间结束”。 一年前,一些非常重要的东西丢失了。 她感到很孤独,想哭。 真由理意识到了她内心深处的渴望,并告诉了桶子。

她想再次见到“ Hououin Kyouma”。 即使她不能成为“织女大人” ,她的“织女大人”也将永远是“冈部伦太郎”。 桶子方面承认,这是“命运石之门的选择”。 他鼓励她说没有必要犹豫,随后他们去追上了铃羽。

06. 1.129848%

It is a windy evening when Suzuha arrives at the rooftop of the Radio Kaikan building and moves to start up the C203 time machine. However, it turns out that Okabe was waiting for her. He asks her how she managed to keep the time machine from being found for a whole year. Suzuha tells him that she got the assistance of Akiha Rumiho and other influential people in Akihabara. When asked why he is here, Okabe tells her that he cannot allow her to time travel. She must know that she is bound to fail. After all, she saw his failure. However, Suzuha argues that there must be a way to evade the world line convergence. Okabe tells her that the Steins Gate is just a delusion. Suzuha replies that she is only following her father's directions, because she believes in him. Okabe continues to argue with her, but Suzuha sticks by her faith in her dad. Okabe then tries to forcefully stop Suzuha, but she easily overpowers him and turns her gun on him. He laughs that she will not shoot him, because he is destined to die in 2025. However, she shoots him in the leg. Mayuri and Daru burst onto the roof. After assuring Suzuha that they are not there to stop her from going, Mayuri asks her to take Mayuri with her to August 21, 2010 to the minute when Okabe and Suzuha were gone time traveling. Okabe tries to stop Mayuri, but Suzuha asks Mayuri if she is certain. There is no guarantee it will work and the world might erase them. However, Mayuri's reply is that she does not want to make her Hikoboshi-sama into someone who never existed. She does not want to make the twenty-six years of regret of her future self into something that never happened. Mayuri apologizes to Okabe, but she has made her decision. Okabe curses. He asks Suzuha why she appeared at that time, when he had already tried to accept this ending. Why did she give him half-baked hopes and is now taking Mayuri away. He begs Mayuri to not do anything. If she does, all the [people's] feelings he had sacrificed to get here will be wasted. Kurisu's death will be for nothing. However, Mayuri tells him that is exactly why they cannot make it into something that never happened. Even when it is raining and the clouds cover the sky, the stars are always there shining. She reminds him that today is Tanabata, the only time of the year that Orihime and Hikoboshi are allowed to see each other. Therefore, Mayuri will chase away the clouds in Okabe's sky. In the time machine, as Suzuha adjusts the settings, Mayuri thinks that this is her self-righteousness, selfishness, wish, and choice to go meet her clueless self of back then. The time machine departs.

这是一个多风的晚上,当 铃羽到达广播会馆大楼的屋顶,并启动 C203时间机器。 然而,冈部却在那里等着她。 他问她是如何设法使时间机器整整一年不被发现的。 铃羽告诉他,她得到了秋叶留未穗 和 秋叶原 其他有影响力的人的帮助。 当被问及为什么来这里时,冈部告诉她,他不能允许她进行时间旅行,铃羽必须知道她注定要失败。 毕竟,她看到了他的失败。 然而,铃羽认为,必须有一种方法来规避世界的路线收束。 冈部告诉她,命运石之门只是一种幻想。 铃羽回答说,她只是听从父亲的指示,因为她相信他。 冈部继续与她争论,但铃羽坚持她对父亲的信任。 然后冈部试图强行阻止铃羽,但她很容易制服了他,并把枪口对准了他。 他笑着说她不会开枪打他,因为他注定要在2025年死去。 然而,她向冈部的腿部开了一枪。

真由理和桶子冲上屋顶。 在向铃羽保证他们不会阻止她前往之后,真由理要求铃羽带上她一起回到2010年8月21日,那一天冈部和铃羽正在时间旅行的时候。 冈部 试图阻止真由理,但 铃羽 问真由理是否确定。 不能保证它会起作用,世界可能会抹去它们。 然而,马尤里的回答是,她不想把她的 Hikoboshi-sama 牵牛星变成一个从未存在过的人。 她不想让自己二十六年的悔恨变成从未发生过的事情。

真由理向冈部道歉,但是她已经做出了决定。 冈部咒骂。 他问铃羽为什么她在那个时候出现,而他已经试图接受这个结局。 为什么她给了他半生不熟的希望,现在却要把真由理带走。 他恳求真由理不要做任何事。 如果她这么做了,那么他为了来到这里所牺牲的所有(人们的)感情都将白费。 红莉栖 的死毫无意义。

然而,真由理告诉他,这正是为什么他们不能把它变成从未发生过的事情的原因。 即使在下雨的时候,云彩遮住了天空,星星总是在那里闪闪发光。 她提醒他,今天是七夕,一年中只有这个时候,织女和牛郎才被允许见面。 因此,真由理将赶走冈部天空中的云彩。

在时间机器里,当铃羽调整设置时,真由理认为这是她的自以为是,自私,希望,选择去会见当时愚蠢的自我。 时间机器离开了。

07. 1.130205%

August 21st, 2010, Mayuri answers Okabe's phone and the familiar voice begs Mayuri to stay calm and listen to her story. Mayuri asks who the person is, but 2011 Mayuri apologizes for not being able to say. 2011 Mayuri asks Mayuri if she likes Hououin Kyouma. She warns Mayuri that Okarin will fail to rescue Makise Kurisu, and asks Mayuri to do anything she can at that time to bring forth her "Hikoboshi-sama". The two Mayuries say in sync, "Hououin Kyouma". 2011 Mayuri warns that at this rate Hououin Kyouma's memories will disappear from within Okarin. Therefore, 2011 Mayuri asks her to fix Okarin's broken heart, even if force is necessary. Just calling Okarin's name will not reach him, Mayuri must remember the time when Hououin Kyouma was born. With that, 2011 Mayuri tells her that the feelings of twenty-six plus one more years have been passed on to her. As their time machine begins to jump, 2011 Mayuri assures Mayuri that she believes the Steins Gate exists and encourages her to believe in Okarin, her friends, and herself. The second time machine disappears, and Mayuri resolves herself to believe and thanks "Future Mayushii". Immediately, Okabe and Suzuha arrive back from July 28th. The terrible sight of a broken and bloodied Okabe plays out again. However, this time when Okabe despairs and breaks down, Mayuri shouts "Okarin-!" and slaps him.

2010年8月21日,真由理接到了 冈部的电话,熟悉的声音恳求 真由理 冷静下来听她的故事。 真由理问这个人是谁,但2011年真由理为不能说明道歉。 2011的 真由理 问2010的真由理是否喜欢 Hououin Kyouma。 她警告真由理,冈部将无法营救牧濑红莉栖,并要求真由理在那个时候尽她所能带来她的“ Hikoboshi-sama牵牛星”。 这两个真由理同步地说,“ 凤凰院凶真”。 2011年真由理警告说,按照这种速度,凤凰院凶真的记忆将从 冈部 体内消失。 因此,2011年的真由理要求她修复冈部破碎的心,即使动武是必要的。 仅仅呼唤冈部的名字是无法触及他的,真由理必须记住凤凰院凶真出生的时间。 就这样,2011年的真由理告诉她,二十六加一年的感觉已经传递到她身上。 随着他们的时间机器开始跳跃,2011年的真由理向2010的真由理保证,她相信命运石之门的存在,并鼓励她相信冈部,她的朋友和她自己。

第二台时间机器消失了,真由理决定相信并感谢“未来的真由理”。 紧接着,冈部和铃羽从7月28日开始返回。 可怕的景象,一个破碎的和血腥的冈部再次上演。 然而这一次,当冈部绝望而崩溃的时候,真由理大喊“冈部! ” 还扇了他一巴掌。

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Okabe reels from the slap, and Mayuri tells him with tears in her voice that he is not the type to give up. She encourages him that she knows he is the type to try to the very end. She reminds him of how he came every day after Mayuri's grandmother passed away to try to save Mayuri. It was thanks to him that she was able to bid her grandmother farewell. Mayuri admits that she does not understand well what is going on, but he must not give up. However, Okabe tells Mayuri that he killed Kurisu, and laments again that it is pointless. Just then, Suzuha replies, "It isn't pointless," and Okabe's cellphone begins to ring.

冈部被删了一巴掌,真由理含泪告诉他,他不是那种会放弃的人。 她鼓励他说,她知道他是那种会坚持到最后的人。 她提醒他,在真由理的祖母去世后,他是如何每天来拯救真由理的。 多亏了他,她才得以和祖母告别。 真由理承认,她不明白正在发生什么,但他不能放弃。 然而,冈部告诉 真由理 他杀了红莉栖,并再次哀叹这是毫无意义的。


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The Mayuri and Suzuha of 2011 are rattled by the turbulence in the time machine. Suzuha apologizes. It was good that they jumped to avoid a time paradox. However, they will not be able to make it back to 2011 safely. There is not enough fuel and no way of knowing when and where the Kerr black hole will throw them out again. It might be one day or 100,000,000. Mayuri simply thanks Suzuha for taking her back to August 21st. She feels sure that the other Mayushii and Mayuri's "Hikoboshi-sama" will do what they need to. Suzuha wishes that she had Reading Steiner as well, so that she could observe world line changes. Mayuri thinks in her mind to Okabe that even if the world is dark and under an infinite shadow, he must not close his eyes and give up. He must not kill Hououin Kyouma. If he does not give up, then the feelings will surely reach, just like starlight that travels for hundreds or thousands of years. In her heart she tells Okabe, "Let's meet in the Steins Gate," in the lab she will always be waiting for him and everyone else.

2011年的 真由理 和铃羽 被时间机器里的乱流吓坏了。 铃羽 道歉。 他们最好跳下去来避免时间悖论。 然而,他们将无法安全地回到2011年。 由于没有足够的燃料,也没有办法知道克尔黑洞何时何地将它们再次抛出。 可能是一天或者100,000,000天。

真由理只是简单地感谢铃叶把她带回了8月21日。 她相信另一个 真由理和 真由理的“牵牛星”会做他们需要做的事情。

铃羽希望她也有Reading Steiner,这样她就可以观察世界线的变化。

真由理在心里对冈部说,即使世界是黑暗的,在无限的阴影下,他也不能闭上眼睛放弃。 他不能杀死凤凰院凶真。 如果他不放弃,那么这种感觉一定会到达,就像千百年来的星光一样。 在她的心里,她告诉冈部,“让我们在命运石之门见面吧,”在实验室里,她将永远等待他和其他人。